Health Providers using our platform have achieved outstanding results
We’re more than just another patient portal or patient information app. Our platform helps healthcare teams around the world access population-level data, in real-time, to improve their patient outcomes and experience.
The Evidence
Personify Care's Principles
The evidence
- 68% reductions in the costs of delivering evidence-based protocols
- Significant reduction in time clinicians and nurses spend on admin tasks
- Early visibility to clinical risks that lead to reduced cancellation rates
- Early detection of post-op risks leading to early interventions & improved outcomes
- 98% of patients recommending the service to friends and family
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Underlying principles well supported by literature
- Better prepared patients leads to reduced cancellations 3,4,5
- Targeted interventions can improve outcomes and reduce costs 2
- Patients only recall 25% of information provided by their clinician 1
- Providing support and follow-up to patients post-discharge has been shown to reduce 30-day readmissions 5
Evidence-based protocols proven to improve outcomes aren’t reaching patients, because most of these protocols are still being delivered through paper forms and phone calls.
1. Godwin Y. Do they listen? A review of information retained by patients following consent for reduction mammoplasty. Br J Plast Surg 2000;53: 121-5
2. Gawande A. The hot spotters: can we lower medical costs by giving the neediest patients better care? New Yorker. 2011 Jan:40-51.
3. Ferschl MB, Tung A, Sweitzer B, Huo D, Glick DB. Preoperative clinic visits reduce operating room cancellations and delays. Anesthesiology. 2005 Oct;103(4):855-9.
4. Hines S, Munday J, Kynoch K. Effectiveness of nurse-led preoperative assessment services for elective surgery: a systematic review. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep. 2015 Jul 17;13(6):279-317.
5. Harrison P, Hara P, Pope, J, Young, M, Rula, E. The Impact of Postdischarge Telephonic Follow-Up on Hospital Readmissions. Popul Health Manag. 2011 Feb; 14(1): 27–32.
– Jason Silby, Mercy Hospital
Evidence-based protocols proven to improve outcomes aren't reaching patients, that's where we can help.