Health Providers using our platform have achieved outstanding results

We’re more than just another patient portal or patient information app. Our platform helps healthcare teams around the world access population-level data, in real-time, to improve their patient outcomes and experience. 


The Evidence


Personify Care's Principles

The evidence

  • 68% reductions in the costs of delivering evidence-based protocols
  • Significant reduction in time clinicians and nurses spend on admin tasks
  • Early visibility to clinical risks that lead to reduced cancellation rates
  • Early detection of post-op risks leading to early interventions & improved outcomes
  • 98% of patients recommending the service to friends and family

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Underlying principles well supported by literature

  • Better prepared patients leads to reduced cancellations 3,4,5
  • Targeted interventions can improve outcomes and reduce costs 2
  • Patients only recall 25% of information provided by their clinician 1
  • Providing support and follow-up to patients post-discharge has been shown to reduce 30-day readmissions 5

Evidence-based protocols proven to improve outcomes aren’t reaching patients, because most of these protocols are still being delivered through paper forms and phone calls.

1. Godwin Y. Do they listen? A review of information retained by patients following consent for reduction mammoplasty. Br J Plast Surg 2000;53: 121-5

2. Gawande A. The hot spotters: can we lower medical costs by giving the neediest patients better care? New Yorker. 2011 Jan:40-51.

3. Ferschl MB, Tung A, Sweitzer B, Huo D, Glick DB. Preoperative clinic visits reduce operating room cancellations and delays. Anesthesiology. 2005 Oct;103(4):855-9.

4. Hines S, Munday J, Kynoch K. Effectiveness of nurse-led preoperative assessment services for elective surgery: a systematic review. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep. 2015 Jul 17;13(6):279-317.

5. Harrison P, Hara P, Pope, J, Young, M, Rula, E. The Impact of Postdischarge Telephonic Follow-Up on Hospital Readmissions. Popul Health Manag. 2011 Feb; 14(1): 27–32.

“During the COVID-19 lockdown we had surgical lists changing frequently. We added screening questions & collected pre-admission information from patients in record time, flag risks and respond accordingly. The fastest turnaround time was under 30 minutes”
– Jason Silby, Mercy Hospital

Evidence-based protocols proven to improve outcomes aren't reaching patients, that's where we can help.


Patient response rate across all specialties and clinical pathways

Patient interactions monitored

Clinical risks screened

Digitise your patient pathways with Personify Care