Australian government backs digital health technology for US expansion

Australian digital health company Personify Care aims to accelerate its push into the lucrative US market thanks to the support of the Australian Federal Government this week.

Personify Care has been awarded an Accelerating Commercialisation Grant under the Federal Government’s Entrepreneurs’ Programme to accelerate the company’s novel tech platform into the US market.

The Entrepreneurs’ Programme is an Australian Government initiative to improve business competitiveness and productivity. It uses experienced advisers and facilitators, drawn from industry, to ensure businesses get the support needed to improve their competitiveness, productivity and access growth opportunities.

Personify Care was one of 14 Australian businesses selected to share grants worth more than $7.4 million under the initiative.

This comes after last year when the Houston-based Texas Medical Centre (TMC) – the world’s largest medical centre consisting 21 hospitals, eight speciality institutions, and a total of 14 medical, nursing, pharmacy and dental schools – invited the company to work with its Innovation Institute to launch Personify Care’s mobile patient monitoring platform into the US market.

Personify Care has recently completed an investment round from private investors in Australia and the US. Together with federal government funding, this will accelerate its expansion nationally and internationally.

“We are absolutely thrilled that the Australian Federal Government has recognised the potential of our technology to efficiently improve patient care, particularly in the context of the growing pressures on health systems in Australia and internationally” Personify Care CEO Ken Saman said.

“The Personify Care Platform offers smarter, safer patient care before and after surgery, whilst simultaneously increasing efficiencies and reducing costs for hospitals”.

“Personify Care is easy to use software that allows nurses, specialist practices and hospitals to detect when a patient is at risk of a complication and intervene before their condition escalates. Clinical teams can plug-in existing clinical protocols to better prepare patients before surgery and monitor their recovery post-discharge”.

Mr Saman said the Federal Government grant would be used to help Personify Care accelerate its product roadmap, grow high-tech jobs in its Adelaide headquarters, and build customer-facing teams in the US market.

Personify Care also announced this week the release of ‘Personify Connect’ which will provide hospitals with seamless integration of the Personify Care Platform with both their existing patient management systems, and the Federal Government’s My Health Record. This new product offering has been developed as part of the company’s national partnership with Chamonix, another Adelaide-based technology company. Chamonix have developed technology for the Australian Digital Health Agency deployed across hundreds of hospitals in Australia.

Mr Saman said Personify Care has been working with leading healthcare providers around Australia to free-up scarce clinical time so that patients get the support they need when they need it most.

“In the last 12 months, the Personify Care Platform has been used to monitor over 270,000 patient interactions and screen over 96,000 patient risks. The Platform has an 84% response rate from patients which is very encouraging, especially when you consider 42% of patients who use the Platform are aged over 60 years”.


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For more information contact:

Ken Saman

Personify Care


10 Pulteney Street

Adelaide SA, 500


P: 0415 200 644

E: [email protected]


About Personify Care

Personify Care assists hospitals, clinics and healthcare teams monitor their patients’ recovery beyond the hospital stay. Personify Care develops technology solutions that have been demonstrated to simultaneously improve patient care, save clinicians time and reduce costs for healthcare organisations across all clinical specialties.

March 28, 2018

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