CANCER RESEARCH PROGRAM: Using PROMs to Improve Quality of Life for Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer

Dr Liane Ioannou, Mid-Career Research Fellow at Monash University, recently presented at a workshop at a University of Sydney Conference entitled ‘Patient-reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Down Under’.

Her presentation centred on the work of the Cancer Research Program’s PROpatient trial, which aims to determine if symptom monitoring, using patient-reported outcomes (PROMs), integrated into clinical practice in real-time, via centralised model of care coordination, improves health related quality of life for patients with pancreatic and oesophagogastric cancer.

To support their research, the PROpatient team have been using the Personify Care platform to capture and monitor patient reported outcome measures (PROMs).

Once trial participants are selected, they then receive a notification via their mobile or desktop with a link to register to the Personify Care platform, where they receive a welcome to the trial and are asked to electronically review the Participant Explanatory Statement and provide consent.

Participants then receive timely digital reminders requesting they complete questionnaires and complete activities via the Personify care platform. Participants are also able to log into the platform at any time and report their symptoms and issues as frequently as they choose and are provided with symptom specific self-management resources as needed.

The research team are also able to view responses in real time on the Personify Care dashboard and receive alerts about patients with severe or worsening symptoms so that they may receive escalated care from the team’s experienced cancer nurse consultants.

PROpatient is a research project that wants to improve the quality of life for people with pancreatic or oesophagogastric cancers. The PROpatient project is funded by the Victorian Cancer Agency, and is being overseen by the Monash University Cancer Research Program. Participants will be recruited through Monash University’s Upper-Gastrointestinal Registry.

To learn more about PROpatient, click here.


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March 11, 2022

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